Red sex toy fun

Another boring Sunday with nothing to do. Well not for Candy as she needs to get her daily does of sex. Since she all alone today and bored to go hunting she decided to have some fun alone. She is spreading her legs and pussy lips and stuffing a small red sex toy in her little twat until she can’t take it anymore and cums all over the white bed sheets. Want more sexy fun? Find out more about how to get sexy girls like Lil Candy in Canada. I was in Canada last year for work and while i didn’t have a hard time finding company what i really wanted some out of this world sexy girls with a high sex drive to keep me busy during the last few nights when i was done with work.

After a while i found this stunning blonde escort and she would come to my hotel room every night and sleep over. We would have sex every evening then she arrived at my room and again two or three more times every night until she left in the morning for her day job. Just loved having sex in the shower with her as she was the perfect height and she would first soap me up and clean me then blow me and then it was time for me to wash her back she would just rub her soaped up ass over my cock and balls until i was rock hard and let me enter her from behind and just fuck her until i came. She would then clean me up again and we would move to the bedroom watch some pay per view porn and she would play with my cock until i got hard again and get on top of me and ride me until i couldn’t keep it anymore. Looking back on it it was the best few days in my sexual life.